Quand la manipulation des foules est confondue avec la démocratie

Publié le par Desbabas

M. de Nagy-Bosca fait donc partie de ces nombreux philosophes, journalistes et politiciens qui se donnent pour mission d'éduquer les masses,  de leur apprendre à penser, de décider à notre place ce qui est bien pour nous.

Cette détestable habitude de gens qui se pensent supérieur, selon leurs propres normes celà va sans dire, et qui ont décidéque la réalisation de leur projet de société devait être imposé, dans le meilleur des cas par l'éducation, la presse et l'économie et dans le pire des cas par la guerre.

Comme à l'habitude j'étofferais cet article d'exemples et de perspective historique, vous invitant une fois de plus à vous inscrire à la newsletter pour être prevenus quand il sera finalisé. Nous allons commencer par donner la parole à notre cher président, qui remarque que l'écart entre les populations européennes et leurs dirigeants montre que l'Union Européenne doit imposer son projet totalitaire aux populations qu'elles prétendent desormais gérer.

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By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
Last Updated: 2:48am GMT 15/11/2007

Referendums on the new European Union Treaty were "dangerous" and would be lost in France, Britain and other countries, Nicolas Sarkozy has admitted.

Nicolas Sarkozy. Referendums on EU treaty would be lost, says Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy addresses members of the European parliament in Strasbourg yesterday

The French president's confession that governments could not win popular votes on a "simplified treaty" - drawn up to replace the EU constitution rejected by his countrymen two years ago - was made in a closed meeting of senior Euro-MPs.

"France was just ahead of all the other countries in voting no. It would happen in all member states if they have a referendum. There is a cleavage between people and governments," he said.

"A referendum now would bring Europe into danger. There will be no Treaty if we had a referendum in France, which would again be followed by a referendum in the UK."

The comments confirm suspicions that the real reason why Britain, and all other EU countries, apart from Ireland, were refusing to hold popular votes was because governments were afraid they would lose them.


Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, accused Mr Sarkozy and Gordon Brown of following "an utterly cynical political plan". "Not only does he stop his own people from having a say but he is trying to block Britain from having the referendum which our government promised," he said.

Mark Francois, the Conservative Europe spokesman, said: "President Sarkozy is right to say that there's a cleavage between people and governments in the EU. In Britain that will only get worse if Gordon Brown persists in breaking his solemn manifesto promise on a referendum. That is why the British people should have their say."

Speaking earlier in front of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, Mr Sarkozy made public comments that would further alarm Downing Street. Mr Brown, when signing the new EU Treaty last month, promised that he would oppose any further European integration for at least a decade.

But the French president told MEPs: "It would be a mistake to think that with the simplified treaty we have sorted everything, we can sleep easy and that no other issues are pending."

He is planning to use his turn at the EU's rotating presidency, in the second half of next year, to call for new European powers in highly sensitive areas such as defence, which will dismay Mr Brown.

The president said: "Now we have got to resolve the political issues and to broach them without fear. We have got to debate them without taboos. Budgetary policy, trade policy, monetary policy, industrial policy, taxation, all policies, any policies."

Publié dans Gouvernement Sarkozy

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Bon, pour ma part je l'ai tout de suite traduit en Espéranto et je l'ai mis sur le site raporto.info
Bien sûr il y a heureusement un certains nombres de personnes (dont moi!) que ces propos n'étonnent pas (sauf d'être étonné qu'il aie eu le culot de le dire ouvertement devant des journalistes)! Mais la grande masse de l'opinion ne se doute toujours de rien! Aussi c'est une info très importante, à traduire et à diffuser un maximum !